Don't Be A Copy Cat!

Aug 23, 2014

If you fall...

If you fall, learn to get up by yourself.
Sometimes the ones who give you a hand,
Will be the ones who are pushing you down.

Sometimes the ones who are by your side,
Will be the ones not aware of your fright.

Sometimes the ones you trust,
Will be out of reach.

Sometimes the ones you love.
Will be the ones who hurt.

If you fall, get up by yourself.
If you are hurt, heal yourself.
If you are angry, calm yourself.
If you fall, you have yourself.

Feb 25, 2014

Have you ever?

Have you ever wondered if you are a real person or is this just a dream?
Have you ever wondered if you would be the way you are if you were born in another part of the world?
Have you ever wondered if you had one wish what would it be?
Have you ever wondered if you were a nice human being?

I wonder if these thoughts come to someone else's mind? Have you ever wondered?