Don't Be A Copy Cat!

Nov 24, 2009


Success they say, is the way you perceive it to be… But I still don’t get the hang of it!? Cuz there are scores of times when I feel successful…

When somebody who once looked down upon me… calls me for help,
When I go to my favorite store to shop without a second thought,
I feel successful.

When I come home and lay that cheque into my mum’s palm,
When my dad points out to me and says “That’s my daughter!”
Yeah, I feel successful.

When the one I adore tells me how much he’s proud of me…
When my friends tell me how much they love me…
I feel successful.

So that’s my perception, I don’t know how far I’m from success for the world,
But in my opinion, I’ve triumphed! Cuz the more you run after success, the farther it seems, the instant you believe you’ve got it, trust me it’ll sustain!

A Ray of Hope..

Miles away… she says.. He flew away..
The memories still lay beneath... she closes her eyes and imagines him…
Miles away… she thinks… you flew away…
She goes right in and sits where usually... they sat…
She closes her eyes and imagines him right there right besides her…
Miles away… she asks her god… why did he fly away?

She walks the lane, she crosses the road, she looks right there..
"He used to wait for me there…" she says to herself
She imagines him there… just a silhouette…
She runs up to him and tells him…
"Miles away… we were apart… I missed you…
why did u have to fly away?"

He smiles... he embraces her…
Like he always did…
He holds her closer and whispers…
"Miles away… I did fly away… But I’m still here… right here with you…
In your heart… On your mind…
Just a moment away…
Just a thought away…"