Don't Be A Copy Cat!

Mar 10, 2010

Seeking Exit

She walks and walks
And then everything’s dark
It’s a deep dark tunnel
With nothing good about it

The road is clear
But she trips
Over and over again
No ruts, no hitches

Tears rolling down
A lump in her throat
There’s no one around her
Nobody but the eerie murk

She feels sore
She feels disconnected
From the world, from everyone
From herself

She hates it
No one to talk to
No one to embrace
She likes being alone, not

Until she hears a voice
“There’s light ahead my dear
Only if you manage to cross this
Ur not alone!”

She looks around
But no one
She feels a force
A force around her

Compelling her to fight
Fight against the gloom
She was alone
But not unaccompanied

She will battle
Against this fiery monster
She walks and walks
And it’s still dark

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